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Somapura Mahavihara, Bangladesh |
By: Sangharaj Jyotipal Mahathero
During the hayday of influential Buddhism, the entire Bangladesh was divided into 4 divisions, namely Samatata, Pundrabardhan, Karnasubarna and Tamraliopta. According to the famous historian Vincent Smith the jurisdiction of Samatata was consisted of Chittagong, Chittagong Hill Tract, Tripura. Tripura Hill Tract. Sylhet and major portions of Dhaka, Faridpur and Barisal Districts. Among these cities, a city Kamalanka by name was very prosperous and situated in Pattikera Kingdom of Comilla district. It may be mentioned here that a pargana named Pattikera still exits in the western range of Lalmai-Mainamati and it bears the memory of Pattikera Kingdom. From the history we know that there were political,religious and matrimonial connections between pattikera kingdom and Royal Dynasty of Burma, Ancient Kamalanka nagar was the capital city of Pattikera Kingdom and its exact location varies with the (time and place Bhikkhu Hieun-capital city of Pattikera Kingdom and its exact location varied with the time and place Bhikshu Hieun-Tsiang), the celebrated Chinese traveller stayed in Kamalanka city for 3 months in the year 635 A.D and collected huge informations on Buddhism culture and traditions of this area.
Following him two more Chinese travellers namely 1-Tsing and Cheng Shih also visited the area to acquire knowledge on Buddhism and its culture of this area and their connected informatons were described in their travel documents.
ORIGIN OF NAME KAMALANKA: The origin of the name Kamalanka was attributed to a godess Kamala who was worshipped by the Mahayan sect of Buddhists. Kamala was inhabitant of Kamalanka nagar. In course of time and age. the word Kamala was transformed to Kamalanka in Buddhist period. Kamala in portugese reign, Kamila in early British age, Kumila in the middle age and to last now Comilla. This Comilla is a present surviving name with its name and old name. It is hear say this is much as one less than hundred kings reigned over the area and they belonged to various Royal dynasties such as Kharg, Deva, Chandra and Pal dynasties. Due to vastness in area and also rich heritage, the compilation on the history of religion and it's culture of Samatata Kingdom will be a big volume. Apart from Buddhism the history of Comilla is also great and glorious due to Hinduism, Jainism. Instead of going to a detail discussion, I shall make an attempt here for brief discussion, Buddhistic point of view on Lalmai-Mainamati area.
The excavation work which was undertaken by the then govt. in the 1st January 1955, on the archeaological sites of Lalmai-Mainamati of Comilla district, is still continuing without interruption. I have no doubt that the events of excavation with their findings have been opening the more and more chapters on the annals of Bangladesh. Comilla is a prominent district town and some high level mounds in Lalma-Moinamati hills. situated on 5 miles -west of centres of the present archaeological sites of excavation. The sporadic hillocks are part of hill range which is spread over upto Moinamati at north and Lalmai railway station at south.
Lalmai-Mainamati is 1 mile long and 1.5 miles wide. Out of 20 archeological sites, selected for excavation in the whole hilly range, only few sites have been excavated and the rest are in the waiting list.
I can not recollect the time of date and year of event. Once a team consisting of Mr. Nalini Kanta Bhatthashali, Principal Curator of Dhaka Museum. Mr. Ramesh Chandra Mazumder, a great historian and Mr. Ras Mohan Chakrabarty a reknouned scholar, conducted the Survey works of all ruins and debreses of Lalmai-Mainamati range and thus prepared a list. The survey list which is collectd from respectable Ras Mohan Chakrabarty is my main source of his article. I wrote small treatise, with respect to this list, in 1955. Now in this article, I have started to write a bit elaborately. My previous treatise was published in the famous journal the "Jogat Joyoti' of Calcutta.
1-6 BANGLOW OF QUEEN MAINAMATI AND MAINAMATI HILLOCKS: These sporadic hillocks are near to Mainamati village and are situated a bit north Junction crossing of Dhaka Mainamati Road. Varous antiquities of vivid religious of various ages have been recovered from the debrises of these mounds. Along with the antiquities of Sramanya and Brahmanya religious sects a stone statue of join.
Tirthankara was also recoverd from here. It reveals from this instance that side of Saramanya and Brahmanya faiths. Jainism was also in practice here. Religiously this was of secondary important symbol of these ranges. Due to the fact that it was the capital town of kings of Chandra dynasty of 8th to 11th centuries, the samples of palacial pomp, glamour, heat and orderliness are of greater not worthiness. King Manik chandra of Chandra dynasty had a queen named Mainamati. Following queen Mainamatiys name was attributed to this hill, region and country as Mainmati Kingdom, Queen Mainamati and her son Gopichand or Govinda Chandra we esisdial legends of his regions and about them innumerous episodic verses and poetic compositions were there at that time Queen Mainamati used to run the administration of the country in absence of King Manik Chandra or many occassions.
Successive Acharyas of Salban Vihara namely Min Nath, Gorakshma Nath, Chorangi Nath, Jalandari pada (Haripa Siddha) were the Royal priests of Chandra Dynasty. For this article, references are to be made of the various Copper plate inscriptons available at various place, local hear say and different archaeological antique thus recovered from the ancient ruins together with time to time publications of archaeological department and of ancient history of Comilla.
7. CHARPATRA MOUND: This place was located at west side of southward going road and near to bus terminal intersection. The brick particles of this bungalow are similar to that of other debrises. This was a southfacing Temple with courtyards of small dimensions. There were not very big pucca houses or Vihars at East, West and Northern there. During excavation from every Vihar some Bronze-Buddha-Statues of 1x1.5 (feet) in height were recovered. It had their inscriptions been cyphered many formal evidences could have been read out of them. These temples are needed to be excavated.
8. Bairagi Mound: The surrounding of this ruins is about two furlong. Variety sticks, bones of sea fish, broken earthen poat with four copper plates have been recovered from this site. In this dilapidated site three big side by side stupas are still unbroken and intact only northern stupa is broken at the top. These three stupas are the symbolisms of the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha.
There are 8 box-chambers at the upper part of the middle stupa. These are the symbolic Eightfold paths the Buddhist verses and ideology. On all around close view of the dilapidated sites, it will not be too difficult to observe that this central vihar was mostly a congregational hall. Here religious fares used to hold, devotees from home and abroad used to assemble and perform religious rites. There is a clear evidence that there existed a big kitchen and dining place at the sides of these stupas. This Kutila Mound is situated a bit north of Barura Road.
9. Bairagi Mound: It is a huge ruins and situated at north of Barura Road and western side of Kutila mound. Most probably many antiquities may be obtained if it is excavated. It is also abjacent to northern side of Barura road.
10. Ananda Raja's Palace: This big ruin of old palace of King Ananda is a four cornered-Square Sangharam-Monastery. In its centre, there is a big debrises. In it some relics dating to 8th to 10th century are found. This is the biggest one among all ruins of Lalmai-Mainamati region. According to many historians of anthropological expert, this is the famous Kanaka stupa of the old Samatata Kindgom, probably it is consisted of 135 dormitories. The Director General of Archaeological Department, Dr. F.A. Khan said in great dispair that had the bricks and other materials not been removed by the military contractor to meet the various requirements of last second world war and had the enormous damage been done in it, then he would have stated the initial excavation from this site. A huge quantity of antiquities would have possibly been revealed out of it's excavation. Now the same is not possibly expected Because it is damaged now. For this reason, he prepared the Salban Vihara palace as his first site of excavation. To the east of still exist a big pond. If this big pond is deeply viewed one become struck with wonder. because a popular belief is there that this vast pond was not dugged by human labourers but by the monster and demons. Many as such big ponds for the use of hundreds of residential monks of meditation classes are found beside every monastery. The footpath of these monks is also wide and vissible. Only this vast pond is existing now. Rest all are dead. It is situated adjacent to the hillock of southern side of Barura Road.
11. Rupban Daughter's Palace: Here also a big monastery along with a central stupa was in existence. A stone foundation of a big area and provided with varigated vantilators at everyside and its debrises are found.
In the year 1955, while the excavation works of Salban Vihar-palace was in progress I visited the palace of daughter of Rupban which was in broken condition. Now major parts of it are not in existence.
Few years ago, a big bell weighing about 20/25 maunds and provided with an engraved emblem of a Lion image on the upper part of it was recovered from the delovises of this palace of Rupban daughter.This bell has been removed to Mainamati museum for preservation. This Rupban daughter's palace is situated to the south of Ananda Raja's vihara.
12. Bhoj Raja's palace: Outer surface of this palace is about 400 feet square- the bricks and brick bates have been removed from here. It is a big monastery with square brick walls of 4 angular formations. The original mound was square with 600 feet side walls. Only the central stupa is in existence. Its brickbats and walls are profusely decorated with ornamental bricks and terracotta plaques. The noteworthy specialities in the construction works of Vihara are the innumerable figures of animals and men well engraved on the walls and these ornamented figures signify the remote contest of ancient incidental connections. The site was greatly damaged during the 2nd world war by the military contractor. But the recent excavation revealed many archaeological materials. A big Buddha statue of about 40 maunds in weight is one of them. It is in the Mainamati Museum at present. This place is known as Bhoj Vihar, Bhoj Rajbari also.
Its ornamental bricks and terracotta plaques are similar to those found in Ananda Vihara and Shalban Vihara. This Bhoj Vihara is only half furlong to the south of Rupban Kanya's palace.
13. Ita Khola Hills: This mound has also been greatly damaged by the brick-robbers. As a result of recent excavation many antiquities along with Buddha statues have been recovered. Some sporadic meditation centres have been unearthed here. Ornamental bricks, engraved animal figures and stones are similar to that of Ananda Vihara palace.
The mound is situated at a bit west of present BARD main gate and at north bank of Kotbari Road. It is about 60 feet higher than the road surface. At the top of the central of Ita Khola hillock, at inside of middle shrine a meditation Buddha statue is still visible anthem west wall.
14. Rupban Mound: The mound is situated in between BARD and Bangladesh Rifles office. It is 60 feet high from the metalled road Rupban mound consists of three hillocks with an area of 2 sq.furlong. The apparently looking hillocks are actually either pagodas or monasteries. The bricks were plundered during 2nd great war and a squarely monastery of 400 ft. X 400ft. contain a central shrine of 47ft.X47ft. Cruciform shrine, re-entrant angles, and recessed corners richly decorated terracotta plaques etc have come out of the drugging mounds.
In course of brick robbing in 1943 it is reported that 7 fat-bellied earthen fars, containing thousand of bronze votive image of Buddha were rended by the robbers. Only 13 such images have so far been recovered. Some of these images are only 2 inches high and the bhumi sparsha mudra image of touching earth. Anthropologist Mr. Ram Chandra remarked, ' the iconographic details and workmanship of these images are similar to those of the inscribed votive bronzes recovered from Jhewary in Chittagong district, assignable to the ninth eleventh centuries A.D.
Very recently some tiny bronze images have been earthed by a peasant family from this hut compound. Visitors are not allowed to enter the compound by the farmer family. It is by the side of a small hillock Kharga dynasty, used to engrave and donate 1000 images of Buddha time to time. This group of thousand Buddha statues found in Rupban Mura is link and bears the memory of King Raja Bhatta and his fashion of rites and rituals in his time of Samatata Buddhism.
Few years back a bronze statue of standing Buddha, 5'-6" high had been recovered during excavation. It is also in the museum now.
15. KOTBARI MOUND: On this hillock a tomb like fortress is appeared to look at near to it is a mound of not very high. The cells and their cleanliness all around are very attractable to the visitors. Hidden here is an existence of a temple.
It is mentioned here that in the district of Comilla, Kotbari, Kotherpar, Kothergar and such kind of names of many villages are found. Kot means fort where soldiers were used to keep in order to protect the various establishments and organizations from the sectarian attacks, so that there might be non-hindrance, no disturbances in worshipping, no obstruction in education and culture and to oppose the communal elements and to enthrust royal power against all these vandalisms, the kings and the emperors used to make fortress at different places.
It appears to me that these Kotbari names signified their memories. It is adjacent to Comilla Kalir Bazar Road. It is few furlongs west of Rupban mound. This Kotbari mound was first detected in 1803 by the British and then identified as their mains of a fort.
The mound which is seen to the north of Comilla Kalirbazar Road the remains of a monastery measuring 300 feet each side enclosing a cruciform center temple of 100 feet each side. This mound has been reduced to cultivable land. By some one Fakir a mosque has been built at present.
16. HATI GARA MOUND: The brickbats of this mound are similar to those of other ruins. It is about 150 yds. in length and breadth is 40' high above the paddy field. The top is covered with creepers and grass. This mound is in south west corner of Kotbari hills and is believed to remain undisturbed and excavation may reveal original antiquities.
17. SALBAN VIHARA: According to local legend the site is known as Salban Rajar Bari. It is fully excavated now. It is now considered not as a palace but a big Sangharam with 4 recessed corners. This Sangharam was a meditation center. A big stupa in the center is existing and from a distant place it looks like an unalleviated hill. Difference of opinions about its naming is heard. Dr. F. A. Khan DIG of Pakistan Archeology named it as Salban Bihar now. There is a village named Salban put at south-East side of this place.
Dr. Khan assumed that it was an educational institution. But its construction structure and the samples of rooms indicate that instead of saying it to be an alma Mater it is better to be designated as a meditation center. A prolong excavation resulted in discovery of a big Sangharam with many antiquities inside of it. 33'x23' size. This hall was provided with rooms for guards or gate keepers. Staircases were provided to ascend this ship premises. From here this path proceeded towards north and then turning to east it reached up to the big dighi-pond which was generally used by the residential mendicants through this path.
The cells of the monks were dugged in the walls all around and these rooms were clean and intact.
One stupa at northwest corner and another stupa at northeast, these two glorious stupas were meant to add beauty and glory of Sangharam. A statue of Taradevi has been dug out of the North West stupa. Eastern stupa has vanished now. This Sangharam had 115 rooms. Every room is provided with a shelf where Buddha Image or worshipping items were kept by the mendicants. More out in the room earthen jar, water pot and some other regular useable items of the monks were available. Outer wall of the north side measured about 550x16 wide. At present the rooms have been filled in with earth to protect from rain. The shape of the walls is conically downwards such that at the flint only one man can hardly be accommodated.
It shows that the rooms are not suitable for dwellings; they are supposed to be for meditation needs. Every room had a veranda of 8.5 feet wide. The Sangaram was found to have been extended, changed or repaired time to time. The brick bates are of separate style of separate age. Among the findings some are Copper-regulations, some gold coins, 12 silver Coins and some Buddha Statues. Moreover, bricks are ornamented with animal figures, stone or iron items, many potteries, engraved lotus, fish bone, strainers, lived shield etc. The bronze-Statue is 5.3 feet high and 25 inch in diameter, The Copper inscriptions are 1.3''x8.9''. These are the symbolism of royal memorials and the documents of sacrificing values. The front side of the plate has a royal emblem at the top; this contains Dhamma Chakka-the wheel of the law and two deer, one at each side of the wheel. This signifies the memory of the Thathagata's first Sermon at Saranath, in Benaras and the attendance of Deer from nearby deer park Mrigadava-at the discourse time of the Tathagata. Below the emblem of Royal seal, there are 52 lines of Deva Nagari letters of 9th Century perhaps, This inscription reveals that in East Bengal there lived a royal dynasty known as Deva Dyansty Maharaj Birdeva's son Ananda Deva's donation plate No. 1 and 2 and his son Bhava Deva's donation plate about all have been scribed in it. The back face of this copper plate contains only Dhamma Chakka-The wheel of Law.
The gold coins are of Gupta period, the silver Coins have all been damaged. Some of the coins have engraved ox, trident, sun and moon. There are believed to be of 8th Century. One coin is an Arabian type, with kufic alphabets on both sides and of Abbasid age. The Archaeological expends discovers a trade relation between Bangladesh and Iraq during those days. But my conception is that among the Indian monasteries some of them were educational and some them were meditation centers, Students from some of the countries of Asia used to come here and the present Lalmai Mainamati monasteries were such kind of either educational or meditation centers.
Therefore it will be unjustified to believe that even after the spread of Islamic conquest some Buddhist residents might have remained there and the student's arrivals with Arabian coin at these monasteries were not unbelievable; because most of the countries of predominant Arabian culture were Buddhist in the past. Presence of a single coin in a cultural centre can not indicate a trade relation; rather it was more reasonable to believe to have a cultural link.
The bronze image of Padmapani Amitava Buddha, with a seal bearing the fundamental truth of Buddhism. which was recovered and seated on a lotus throne, is more than 3 inches in height and balanced to be made of Pal dynasty. Its base has in inscription beginning with first word, ye dharma Hetu probhava and ending with last word of the verse-Maha Shramana. Which as (Contained in the end) related to pratithya Samut pada. Law of Causation of Buddhist Doctrine. The central round shrine is now available in India. There is an alter on its upper part and a courtyard of not enough big is found in front of the alter. This courtyard again has many rooms arranged serially in line. The rooms are made with spaces suitable for seat of sitting only. Now the question is for what purpose the rooms are made.
Many speculations arose about the courtyard and its rooms. But methinks the alter is not for Buddha statue. It is the judgment seat of the noble teacher, mediator. From here he used to instruct the medicates about the advance technique of meditation. After selecting some of the initial meditators who were practicing meditation at lower classes in the down hall the chief noble teacher used to bring the promoted meditators here and himself being seated on this judgment seat, the noble teacher used to directly inspect and advise each and every apprentice, engaged in their respective rooms to attain success in meditation, in order to avoid any detraction and perflexion from meditation at that stage.
Here is a wide and spread alter all around perhaps on this alter the meditation learners used to perform their rites and adoration activities. The residents were more than 500 in number. The scholars assume that they belong to greater vehicle of Vajrana sect.
The archaeological authority is in the opinion that the structural design of Buddhist architect, its sculpture and materials recovered from Paharpur in Rajshahi district long ago, are same inseparable and contemporary to those found from Lalmai-Mainamoti here. The opener that, this monastery was built during 8th to 12th century under the patronage of powerful Royal dynasties of this country.
In fact, it needs a further research and consultation for further study attempting to reveal many an unknown mysterious events and information about this ruinous Sangharam of Samatata.
18. UIRPURA MOUND: It is a big hill. Its brick and brick bates are similar to that of palaces of Ananda Raja and Bhoj Raja. It is situated a bit south of Hatigara mound.
19. PUCCA MOUND: This is another great ruin. Its broken tomb, brick bates are similar to that of ruins of Ujirpura hills. It is 300 yards in length, 100 yards breadth and 50 feet high. There is football ground known as Takka Tila at south. I played football during childhood on that ground for 3-4 times. It has ruins of bricks scattered all over the area. It is situated at west adjacent to the south hillocks three miles at the north from Chandi mura Bazar.
20. KHIAL MOUND: It has similar collection of many materials to those of the previous ones. It is 125 yardsX100yardsX45feet. Many engraved potteries and ornamented bricks are lying scattered here and there all around. Possibility of existence of temple or stup is expected here also. It is situated at the south of pucca Mura and adjacent to east hill of west of Bijoypur.
21. RUPBAN MOUND: This is also a Pagoda hill. It is 500 yards X 200 yards X 45 feet. Whole of the hill is full of bricks. A Brooke flows down to it. It is locally known as 'Sauva Chandir Chara'. It is regarded as pious. It is west of hill near Chandimura.
22. BALA GAZIR MOUND: It is also pagoda hill. It is 4000 yards X 3000 yards X 50 feet except brick-bates. Potteries, stones nothing more are not expected here. It is not worth of excavation. It is to the west of Lalmai railway station, at east of the hill.
23. CHANDI MOUND: It is a debris of the biggest pagoda. Its measurement is 500yards X200yardsX60 feet. Many archaeological antiquities have been found from its tomb. Its brick and brick-bates are similar to those got at palaces of Ananda Raja and Bhoja Raja and also at Rupban Mura. Near to this hill a big pond, known as Daitya Dighi is existing. Hearsay is the people recovered various kinds of disease if he takes bath in this pond with his pious and respectable feeling. With that hope people take a way some water even coming from far away of take bath in this pond. Some years back, the pond dried up n sad-severe assumer and as a result some Buddha statues, statues of gods and goddess and archaeological items of Chandi Mura pagoda have been recovered from the bottom of this pond. These items bear the heredity of pal ages.
Among these, two statues are very important. One is Manjubara or of Manjushri Bodhisatta statues and the other one is Five Poised meditating Buddha statue.
Moreover, a Sun-statue along with many ornamented material arts of symbolization of Skills bas also been recovered.
There is a saying that some Tantric Siddha-Acharya pond got this pond dug overnight with the help of the monsters who obeyed his order being influenced by the illusive power of meditation, and that is why this pond is known as Daitya Dighi. Demand Near by village is Dutyapur by name.
Two temples one Chandimandir and the other Shiva mondir were built, later on, by a devotee belonging to Barakara Hindu Jaminder with the brick and brick bates, collected from the top portion of this broken pagoda. At present this ruin is known as Chandi Mura. Collected from the top portion and this broken pagoda. At present this ruin is known as Chandi Mura. Its dilapidated lower portion still looks like a Buddhist pagoda. It is near to Lalmai-Barura Road and at southern most area of Mainamati hill range.
Conclusion: Considering the following facts, that this ancient Kamalanka city or Comilla with her education, culture, cultural heritage civilization and here the instances of various occassional arrivals of thirsty travelers or their spiritual knowledge, was undoubtedly, the capital city of (Kamalanka nagar or Comilla) Samatata Kingdom or at least it was one of the principal centers of Samatata.
Pattikerra Kingdom was under the jurisdiction of Samatata. Even now, one Pargana (administration division) named Pattikerara, at the west of Lalmai-Mainamati hills bears the memory of Pattikerra Kingdom.
Note : Pattikerra Kingdom and Burma, these two countries, had their historical, cultural and family relations, a detailed description of which are found in the legendary tales of Burma.
Many ruins of many mounds stupas temples-chaityas and monasteries,viharas of Lalmai Mainamati hill range, have been discovered. It is bounded by north south 11 miles and east west 1.5 miles and is consisted of hill ranges in which 23 ruins are found existing. Out of these ruins only few have been excavated by then Pakistan Government and by our Bangladesh Government.
Buddhist stupas are the most ancient relic of India. These stupas (momentary architectures) have been events and incidents of Tathagata in all the places where during Tathagata's life time special or miraculous events had occurred.
Buddhists worship these stupas pious and devotionally. Building of stupas and offering those for religious purpose have been considered by the Buddhists as very pious deeds. As a result where Buddhism has been flourished there the stupas have also been built.
With this view in mind, once in this Samatat Kingdom many a stupas, pagodas and monasteries have been built. With this view in mind, once in this Samatat Kingdom many a stupas, pagodas, and monasteries have been built. This presumption is not unjustified. In course of time, it may be due to historical up-down, or it may be due to natural catastrophe, all have perished; only a few of these are still surviving in ruined condition behind the Lalmai-Mainamati hill range. Not a single one is alive. If and when so many ruins are found in a little span of 11 miles x 0.5 miles area, were there as many similar number of stupas and chaitya as not expected in entire Samatata Kingdom ?
There are three parts in a stupa which can be seen ever now in all predominantly Buddhist countries like Burma, Thailand and South East Asia.
The oldest stupas are not much high, they are round-shaped with the bottom part comparatively smaller and the middle part much convex type with open and round veranda through which devotees can move to and from, this middle parts major part then conically rises height to end in dome Over the alone there used to be 4 coned five minars shape mansions over which round circular structures are found.
In course of time, the plan structure and shape of stupa-construction have gradually been changed. If proper experiments are conducted on the excavated sites of Lalmai-Mainamati, then some relations of these stupas chaityas and Sangharamas with the ancient plans travelers like Hieun-Tsiang,1- Tsing and Chang Shih, it appears that, Buddha happened to come to Samatata, Pundavardhan, Kamasubarna to expound religious discourses. But hitherto such type of evident and proof the preaching in other places of India, has not available, Therefore the reality about the foreigner's such regardful remarks is doubtful, There is no doubt that Buddhism was preached and established in Samatata or Bangla by the time of Mourya emperor Ashok the great but even before him probably Buddhism might have reached in Bengal. As because among the listed special 80 Mahatheras of Buddha's life time, the name of Banganfaputra Bangish was mentioned in scripture.
That he was a Bengali son is a proof of the name nomenclature. If the Jurisdiction of Samatat as stated by Vincent Smith is right then Present Vikrampur Pargana, of Chief Achariya of Nalanda University, was born at Kalain village in kacudya of police station, Comilla, in a Rat Brahmin Dynasty (7th cen.Ad) Another chief Achariya Chancellor of Nalanda University named Santa Rakshit who was born at a village named Jahor in Bikrampur in 8th century in a Kashatriya family.
The internationally renowned intellect the Chancellor of Bikramshila University, Atish Dipankar Sree-Gyan was born in a Royal Dynasty in a village name Bajragonjini of Bikrampur, Dhaka District.
Out of 48 Siddha acharjas belonging to the Samatata during the period from 8th to 10th century A.D. most of them were born in Chittagong. Particularly in Comilla region. All those intellects, who are specialists in Bengali Language unanimously agree that the Siddhyachariyas along composed the Chariyapadas which are the source of Bengali language.
To the Predominantly Mahayana Buddhist people of Nepal, Sikim, Bhutan and Mongolia position of Atish Dipankar Shree -Gyan and Bana Ratna, last chancellor of ancient Pandit Vihar of Chittagong, is considered next to Tathagata Buddha, these two great intellects are adorned regularly and from the core of their hearts.