Donation monk robes by Phra Sugato Bhikkhu

  Donation monks' robes (civara) to the monks & novices in Bangladesh

Phra Sugato Bhikkhu became a monk on October 30, 1999, and was ordained as a novice on February 2, 1995. His Holiness the 10th Sangharaja Pandit Jyotipal Mahathero was the preceptor of his novice and higher (Bhikkhu) ordination. But it is worth mentioning here that he is leaving his family and taking initiation in monk life; But at the time of receiving his higher ordination, he did not get a set of new monk robes,  such as in the time of ordination as a novice. It is to be remembered that during his stay at the Barigaon Temple, he did not get the new robes even though he asked the director. When he went to ask for a set of robes from the director of the ashram, he was hit on the head with an umbrella. There were tears in his eyes that day. He was forced to sew dilapidated robes (civara) for a long time and sometimes had to wear civara taken from his classmate monks. When he moved to Thailand for higher education in 2006, Besides studying there, he thought about his childhood life and to find a solution that other novices do not suffer like him. He received the donated Civara from the devotees in Thailand and offered it to many novices and monks in Cumilla-Noakhali, North Bengal, and other districts as well.